DIY-ing It

Happy 2013 to everyone! Have you set New Year goals or resolutions yet? I have been thinking about it for a couple weeks now, making a mental list of the things that I would like to change or accomplish within this next year, both personally and on the blog.

Personally, I'd like to work on having a more healthy lifestyle (like taking Moira and Sadie for walks in the afternoon and I'd love to learn to do some yoga!), learn to sew (like with my sewing machine that I've owned for 5 years), start my dream garden (a couple raised beds to start with and then expand as we can), and work more (I work a tiny bit from home and I'm hoping to increase that amount exponentially).

For the blog I'd like to improve my photography skills (aka learn to use the dslr camera we have instead of my iPhone), change the look of the site (I have a couple of ideas that I need to play around with), and continue with trying to find new ways to cut out the processed foods from our lives (something I began to do last year).

For those of you who are also interested in cutting out those processed foods, here's a list of some things you can do at home to help with that:

Homemade Mayonnaise-- Takes 5 minutes and a handful of ingredients for a creamy and flavorful mayonnaise like nothing you've ever tasted.

Nut Free Basil Pesto-- Quick, simple and fresh. Add flavor to spaghetti sauce, mix with cream cheese for a spread, add it to dressings, or toss with some pasta. Easy to make large batches and freeze to have on hand whenever you need it.

Barbeque Sauce-- Perfect for barbequing of course, but use it as a dip for fried chicken or as an alternative sauce for pizza.

Barbeque Seasoning-- Give your favorite meat a massage with this before grilling.

Lemon Pepper Seasoning-- Perfect for using in almost everything from marinades to dressings or as an alternative to plain salt and pepper.

Taco Seasoning-- Use this for tacos or as a barbeque rub. Or even as a chili seasoning.

Ranch Dressing-- A household favorite. Use it as a dip or a dressing. Drizzle on a sandwich or a wrap. Goes great with everything. Except maybe ice cream.

Creamy Italian Dressing-- Make your salads feel fancy without any effort.

Balsamic Vinaigrette-- Wonderful on fresh greens or use as a marinade for grilled meats. Great as cooking liquid for roasts or toss with some roasted asparagus or green beans for a fancy side.
Buttermilk Biscuits-- So easy and delicious, you'll never buy the canned stuff again.

So, if you'd never thought of reducing the processed foods in your life, hopefully you'll ponder the possibility. And if it is something you've thought about, hopefully this list will help you get started. What are your New Year goals for 2013??
