Goodnight Moon, Moira's First Birthday Party

This last weekend, in conjunction with Father's Day, we celebrated Moira's first birthday with some of our family and friends. I just cannot believe how fast this last year has gone! This time last year I was counting down the days until my due date. We chose to keep the baby's gender a surprise until the birth. When Moira arrived and the doctor held her out for Adam to see, the doctor said "Congratulations, you have a beautiful girl." All Adam could do was stare at Moira with his chin on the floor, completely amazed at this little life we had created. The doctor knowing we hadn't known the baby's gender, again said "It's a girl." It was only then that Adam had realized what the doctor had been saying to him.

Over this last year Moira has soared through her developmental milestones and has been the healthiest, happiest little kid we could ever ask for. From day one she was trying to hold her head up by herself, always looking around and taking in her surroundings. She is highly observant, noticing things that I don't even see. She had her first two teeth at 3 1/2 months, getting 6 more teeth at 7 months, and now she's working on 4 molars. She eats most of what you see here on the blog and more (although I strictly regulate any sugar intake). She hasn't had any mushy baby food since 6 1/2 months as she would rather "chew" her food. She has been sleeping through the night since 3 months (when we moved her into her own room), except when she's going through a particularly hard bout of teething. She has a fondness for all animals and gets soooo excited when she sees some. And Moira LOVES to read.

Books became fascinating to her early on and we haven't put them down since. By 4 months Moira was picking out the order in which I read her bedtime stories to her. There wasn't a huge selection. I read 5 books to her every night before bed. The first book she wanted me to read was ALWAYS Goodnight Moon. I knew then that her first birthday party would revolve around this book. The food and decor were simple and light. We held the party in our own backyard (as our house is still the headquarters of a construction zone) and the weather forecast for the day was HOT, so I chose food items that could be set out in small batches and wouldn't spoil in the heat of the day. The day actually wasn't that hot, but was extremely windy, so some of the decor I had didn't even get put out because it would've just blown away. Oh well, I'll use it for another time :)

Mini turkey and roast beef sandwiches
Deviled Eggs
Caprese Style Orzo Salad
Black Bean and Quinoa Salad
Ranch Dip
Garlicky Cucumber Herb Dip
Cheddar and Graham Cracker Bunnies

Soda Bar
Iced Tea

Chocolate Chocolate Brownies
Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars
Rice Krispie Treats
Light Lemon Cupcakes (and Moira's Smash Cake) with Vanilla Buttercream Frosting

The soda bar was such a cute idea (here's my inspiration), but was a struggle to say the least. There just aren't that many different flavors of soda available in our area in the colors that I chose for the party (red, yellow, green, and blue).

Moira had an absolute blast, although I know she didn't quite realize what was going on. She loved opening her presents, but was definitely unsure about the cake. It was just too sticky and gloppy for her. She didn't like how the frosting stuck to her hands, but once her hands were cleaned up and I gave her a spoon, she was totally happy to play in the frosting and cake!

Cupcake liners, paper cups, straws (not pictured), and napkins (not pictured): Sweet Lulu Shop
Frames and wooden plaques: Michael's
Sodas: Fred Meyer and Market of Choice
