Halloween Roundup

Halloween is in THREE days. Can you believe it?? Where did fall go? I have done absolutely nothing to get ready for this holiday. I mean, Adam and I took Moira to the pumpkin patch a couple weekends ago, but dang. I am totally unprepared for this. I don't have a costume. Adam doesn't have a costume. Sadie doesn't have a costume. Moira's costume is in the works (thanks to my mom). I haven't bought any candy for trick-or-treaters (and I'm not sure I should. Last year we had ZERO, and I'm not really up for the challenge of eating an entire bowl of candy). We haven't carved pumpkins (hopefully doing that tomorrow??).

I haven't pulled out any of my Halloween decorations because of the home remodel thing we've got going on (although the dust might add a more authentic haunted house quality to the Halloween candlesticks I have...). We're not throwing a Halloween party (also because of this home remodel thingy) and we're not going to any Halloween parties either. We're not taking Moira trick-or-treating in the evening this year either. I can't justify showing up at people's doors at 6pm asking for candy (because she won't say "trick or treat" before then) that Moira won't eat (because I won't let her). And I don't want to eat any more candy than I have to, so why solicit for it with my 1 year old? I will take her trick-or-treating during the day in our downtown event, but Moira will get more than just candy. Last year she got a couple of books, toys, and candy. Sigh. I feel like the Halloween version of Scrooge. Boo-hum-bug. But for those of you attending parties or taking kiddos trick-or-treating, I've got some ideas for you. Yes, you.

Appetizers-- Something you could easily take to a party or make a bunch of different ones for a party of your own.

Now you could make this to look like pizza, or try placing olive slices on top of the pepperoni slices to create eyes!

Another eye-dea are these deviled eggs. Use olive slices again to make an eye catching appetizer. Or how about two small triangles of red bell pepper to make these deviled eggs look like their namesake?

Want another spooky body part?? Wrap almost the entire avocado slice in prosciutto, leaving one green end sticking out for witches fingers!

Quick Dinner Options-- My mom was always in a hurry on Halloween with making dinner, having us kids eat, getting us into our costumes and out the door.

How about breakfast for dinner?

Make this up earlier in the day or even a couple days before.

This quick soup is fast, easy, and guaranteed to warm up the kiddos before spending a couple hours running around outside begging strangers for candy.

Desserts-- Because all the sugar from Halloween candy isn't enough.

Bake these up and use Halloween cookie cutters to get bat and pumpkin shapes.

Need a little bit more fall?? Try using pumpkin or apple pie filling to make this a seasonal dessert!

Use up leftover Halloween candy with these no bake treats!

Hope you all have a safe and warm holiday!!
