Our Summer {In A Nutshell}

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Our summer was like no other summer we've ever had! Jam-packed full of stuff to do and it went by in a whirlwind. Most of these pics are from my Instagram (don't be afraid to follow me), but there are a few gems that didn't make it over there. Here's a look at some of the big things we did this summer.

We celebrated Miss Moira's second birthday! I can't believe how time has flown!!

4th of July brunch with the grandparents and aunts and uncles. Followed by a relaxing evening at home With FIREWORKS.

We spent the afternoon cruising around Rogue's hop farm. They have lots of outdoor lawn games, a few animals to look at, a food truck, and a tasting room.

One beautiful evening we had pizza out at American Dream and were lucky enough to score a seat on the rooftop.

Trip to the grocery store turned into a spontaneous trip to the beach instead. Hey, milk can wait. The weather? It won't.

We took Moira to the movie theater to see her first movie. Despicable Me 2. She loved it and can't wait to go back.

There's a local festival called Da Vinci Days filled with art, science, entertainment, innovation and more. We went one night for the food and music. Moira loved dancing. This picture of her and Adam melts my heart. Every. Time. Big Bad Voodoo Daddy played (we've been wanting to see these guys in concert forever) and Moira and daddy shared an elephant ear.

Beer and good food seems to have been our mantra this summer. We had a blast at the 2nd Annual Craft Beer Picnic hosted by Block 15 Brewery and Afton Field Farm. Can't wait to put this on the calendar next year!

The morning after the Craft Beer Picnic, we got Moira up and headed north to the Rogue hop farm for an amazing brunch. This is also on the books the next time they have it because it was incredible. A ton of really really fabulous food that all came out of their food truck and an amazing (but super spicy) bloody mary made with their Chipotle spirit and Chipotle beer. I was blown away. And of course we had to work of the food and alcohol, so we signed up for a tour of the farm. It was really neat to find out how hops are grown and processed.

Benton County Fair! Moira was still too short to ride the rides (bummer), but she was able to pet every animal available.

Dinner out with the grandparents. She ate all of the orange slices that were garnishes on the drinks and was determined to eat the lemon slice no matter how tart it was.

Adam started a new job which allows him to have most Saturdays off. We celebrated with a trip to the farmers market, pizza lunch at American Dream, and play time in the fountain.

Dinner at the other grandparents house.

Four days and four nights of camping, good food and beer. We completed the Bend Ale Trail (more on that soon), attended 10 Barrel's IPA Fest, and Bend's Brewfest, all with toddler and dog in tow. Hard work, but totally worth it.

Last but not least, we attended my little brother's wedding, which actually happened on the first of September, but the festivities started the day before, so I count it :) Moira was their flower girl and a darn adorable one at that (not biased or anything)
