Things Going On And Things To Come

I know I've been elsewhere lately. Actually, it seems I've been everywhere except for here and Facebook. Oh, and my kitchen. I mean, I've been in the kitchen cooking, but it's been basic. Really basic lately. I've been working abut 5 hours a day while keeping an eye on Moira (READ: I'm working 10 hours a day, but only 5 of them are actually productive work hours because I'm interrupted every 7 minutes).

And I take my days off when Adam has his and we have actually been doing things on his days off! In the past this has not been the case. Before Moira came into our lives, after working all week, we'd just chill at home because that's what I wanted to do. My name is Elizabeth and I am a vegger. Adam was always complaining we never do anything. So this summer, I stepped up my game. Free moments? Those have even more scarce than me on this blog. I'll do a summer recap in September for y'all.

Plus I've actually been trying to exercise this summer, which for me is HUGE. Because I am a vegger. I am known for saying "The only time I will ever run, is if it is for my life.". But now? I'm actually considering it. Running. But that is a GIGANTIC step and I'm still working on the baby steps. So, I've been working on monthly challenges. In July it was a plank-a-day challenge (I got a late start, so I still have one day left, today) and for August I'm doing the August Fab Abstravaganza Challenge from the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans and so far down day one and I'm loving it. I feel so good!

And since I've been doing a monthly workout challenge, I figured I'd give myself a monthly blog challenge. To hopefully keep me on track. This month's challenge is #SundayBrunch. I'll talk more about it on Sunday, but definitely expect a new post!! And on another note, the weather here is getting cooler (it's feeling a bit like September). So, yesterday I tried 4 dessert recipes! Yes, FOUR. Which means at least one of them has to be something to write home about. Which also means you can expect to see one on the blog soon!
