Eggs Over Easy

Last week for #SundayBrunch I showed you how I do Scrambled Eggs. This week it's Eggs Over Easy. In our house over easy eggs have set egg whites with runny egg yolks. I grew up learning to cook eggs this way because this is how my momma likes her eggs. Consequently it's also how I like my eggs.

There's a special trick my mom taught me (and maybe it's not really that special, but it works). Just as the egg whites begin to set in the pan, add in a touch of water and cover. This steams the top of the egg, allowing the egg whites surrounding the egg yolk to set. READ: NO RUNNY WHITES Unless you want the whites slightly runny, in which case only cover for a few seconds. You can take it a step farther and flip the egg after steaming, just before removing from the pan, to give you an over medium egg.

Eggs Over Easy

1 Tbsp butter
1 egg
Salt and pepper
1 tsp water

In a small frying pan, melt butter over medium heat (or medium high heat, it really depends on the stove and may take a couple tries to get the heat just right). Crack egg into a small separate bowl (this helps if the yolk accidentally cracks on the edge of the shell, then you can turn it into a scrambled egg or use it in a batch of cookies). Pour egg into pan. Cook for about 30-45 seconds, just until the egg whites on the edges begin to set. Season with salt and pepper to your taste. Add in water and immediately cover. Cook for 45 seconds-1 minute (if you cook for too long, the yolk will set, making it similar to that of a soft boiled or hard boiled egg, depending on how long it cooks). Egg yolk should be shrouded in white and the egg whites should be set. Remove from pan and serve (remember if you'd like you egg over medium, flip it in the pan now and cook for another 20-30 seconds).

Source: Elizabeth original
