Simple Applesauce

A couple weeks ago we received a bucket of apples from our neighbors. Braeburn apples to be exact. And they were delicious. We've eaten apple pie, sliced apples, apple pie bars, caramel apple cheesecake bars, and this. Unsweetened applesauce. And actually the whole reason I even made applesauce was because there's a couple of recipes that I want to try that use unsweetened applesauce as an ingredient. You know. To keep things on the healthy side.

But after tasting this applesauce, I knew it would quickly become a staple at our house. Now, just because it is unsweetened (meaning no added sugar or sugar substitutes) doesn't mean it isn't sweet. It really just tastes like the fresh apple only in pureed form. After I pureed the apples, I tasted it to determine how much honey and spices I ought to put in and I.Was.Amazed. How could something sooooo simple be so good?? Seriously. I added NOTHING. Just apples. Although I think the fact that I had fabulous tasting, fresh apples had a lot to do with the wonderful flavor of this applesauce. These Braeburns weren't too tart, but they weren't overly sweet either.

And this recipe is so easy, I may be a bit embarrassed to even be sharing this with you. I'm not even sure you could consider it a recipe, but you must know how to do this. And now.

Simple Applesauce

8 cups Braeburn apples, peeled, cored and cut into 1 1/2" cubes (about 7-8 medium apples, but if you end up with more than 8 cups, no worries. Just toss all the apple in)
Ground cinnamon

Place apples in a large saucepan over medium to medium-low heat. Let simmer for 8-10 minutes, stirring occasionally. When apples are easily mashed against the side of the pan, turn off heat. Using a immersion blender (or you could use a regular blender if you prefer), puree apples to your desired consistency (I like my applesauce chunky if I'm eating it straight, but for cooking, it needs to be smooth). Season lightly to taste with cinnamon and honey if desired.

Source: Elizabeth original
