Apple Bread

We kind of had a rough week at our house last week. As if work, house remodel/addition, and Moira learning to walk weren't enough, our puppy, Sadie (who isn't really a puppy, but I call ALL dogs puppies) had to have surgery last week. A lumpectomy to be exact. We adopted Sadie when she was only two years old (she's now four) and she had a small (quarter-sized) lump right at the base of her rib cage, kind to the left. In the last two years that lump had grown to the size of a small child's fist. At least from the outside.

Sadie recently had her annual vet appointment and the vet said it was most likely a mass of fat and we should look into having it removed because if it continued to grow bigger it could do some weird pushing and shifting of her insides. Well, of course we jumped on it. Take it out. Ewww. So, Sadie had her surgery Tuesday morning last week and came home that night. Her mass was actually the size of a hotdog bun! Ewwww. Anyways, there was a funny dark spot inside of it and it all had to be sent out to find out if it benign or malignant. Basically if she had cancer or not.

Sigh. Four days of waiting. Four days of helping Adam come to terms with the fact that we might have to make her comfortable until being comfortable wasn't an option. Let's just say that although I love Sadie, Adam is her boy. And he is completely attached to her and she to him. Well, this calls for comfort food. As in the carb loaded variety. As in the fall variety. Cozy sweaters and mugs of sugary hot cocoa. Well, still waaay too warm for that here, so I made apple bread. Kind of fall, kind of not too warm. And soo yummy without giving you a sugar high.

Oh, and we got the results back just before last weekend. Sadie doesn't have any sort of cancer at this time, which was a big relief for us. She should live a long, healthy, and rambunctious life with us. :)

Apple Bread

3 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp baking powder
3 eggs
3 cup shredded apples (I used 3 medium Fuji apples and I left them unpeeled)
Zest of one lemon
2 cups sugar
1/2 cup Greek yogurt
1 tsp vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 325˚ F. Grease 9x5 loaf pan or mini loaf pan (you could also line muffin tins for apple muffins). I a medium bowl, combine flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, and baking powder. In a large bowl, combine eggs, apple, lemon zest, sugar, yogurt, and vanilla. Mix well. Add in dry ingredients, mixing slowly (I like to use a wooden spoon for this because then all the shredded apple doesn't get caught up on it like it does with beaters). Once combined, pour in prepared loaf pan. Bake for 55-65 minutes (or 25-30 minutes if making mini loaves). You may have to cover the loaf with a foil tent during the last 10 minutes of baking IF the loaf is already nicely browned, but not yet done. Loaf is done once an inserted toothpick comes out clean. Cool for 10-20 minutes in pan and remove and finish cooling on a wire rack.
