Classic Egg Salad

I know everyone's busy gathering recipes and doing grocery shopping for Easter tomorrow, but here's a little post-Easter recipe for you. Ya know, the what-the-heck-do-I-do-with-all-these-hard-boiled-eggs kinda recipe. Growing up with 5 kiddos in my family we had a lot of eggs because we each got to dye one dozen eggs. Ya, I know. Lots of eggs. Try 5 dozen. 60 eggs. Minus a couple because there were always one or two that were hidden and never found. Hmm. Except one year when my little sister found one in the front yard months later. A truly rotten egg. So, we always had plenty of hard-boiled eggs. I grew up eating lots of deviled eggs, hard-boiled eggs with salt and pepper, and egg salad after Easter.

Classic Egg Salad

4 hard-boiled eggs, peeled and diced
2 Tbsp mayonnaise
2 tsp yellow mustard
1 tsp prepared horseradish
2 green onions, sliced
Salt, pepper, and paprika

In a small bowl, combine eggs, mayonnaise, mustard, horseradish, and green onions. Mix well. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and paprika to taste. Serve with crackers or in between two slices of bread with lettuce. Makes approximately 2 sandwiches.

*The amounts of mayonnaise and mustard used are really more of a guideline. If you prefer it to have more of a mustard flavor, reduce the amount of mayonnaise used and increase the mustard. Also spicy brown, dijon, and whole grain mustard could definitely be substituted for the plain yellow mustard.

Source: Elizabeth original
