New Year, New Beginning

So one of my 2012 new years resolutions is to start a blog and actually continue to use it. I have attempted (and failed) at the blog thing before. I started one a couple years ago and wrote off and on for a few months. The main problem?? Every time I sat down at my computer to write a new post, I found myself wondering over to other awesome food blogs or foodgawker. My blog just wasn't exciting, interesting or fun to me. So why would it be for anyone else?? It wouldn't.
Some things I should've done differently? 
  • Pictures. Duh! A book with pretty pictures is sooo much more exciting than a book without. Just ask my 6 month old. Well, she would tell you, if she could talk. 
  • Giving only the good stuff. I was trying to write about everything I made in the kitchen, whether it was good or not. Now, someone might enjoy reading about a recipe mishap here or there, but looking back I doubt they want the recipe for one. People can have kitchen disasters all on their own. Why should my blog add fuel to that fire??
  • Spread the love. I thought that because I was trying to write about every kitchen experience I should also be posting almost every day. Whoa. Who wants all of that in their inbox? Three times a week is plenty for me before I feel like someone is spamming-the-crap out of me. 
  • A little goes a long way. Every post I wrote had three or more recipes in it. If I made dinner, I felt my posts needed to include recipes to everything I made. Same goes for anytime I had a major bake-a-thon sesh. Talk about information overload! Throw that together with NO pictures?? Yup, downright boring. Use it as a sleep aid. 

With all that said, I'm gonna try to do things a little different this time around. Maybe even add a couple of craft projects here and there. Hmmm...
