Homemade Instant Microwave Oatmeal

I'm not one for small talk.

Like really. I.Can't.Stand.It. Hard to believe since I pretty much babble without reservations here. Not that I feel every conversation needs to be thought provoking and intense. It's really those conversations where you're just meeting the person for the first time or even second or third. Maybe it's because I have a hard time knowing what to say. #nofilter #sociallyawkward #nosenseoftiming

Like I know I shouldn't make the conversation all about me because let's face it, I am just not that exciting. And I basically feel the same way about most other people. Which puts me in an awkward situation. You don't really want to hear about me and I really don't want to here about you. That pretty much equals ZERO conversation.

Plus I'm more of an innocent bystander. I DO NOT jump into the crowd. Unless I'm with friends already, in which case all of my inhibitions seem to disappear. As do my clothes. Just kidding about the clothes part. No one wants to see that and they certainly would never talk to me after that. EVER.

But I should really get on to the oatmeal. Because that's why you guys are here, right? This is NONE of that over-processed-brown-envelope-watery-goop. It's also NOT socially awkward. Just a bowlful of love. Warm and inviting, with out-stretched arms. Hearty and satisfying. And healthy. You can halve the recipe for little kids if you like, although Moira shares with me, so it's no big deal here.

Now, the key here is to use old fashioned oats. NOT instant. And get yourself a few small tupperware containers so you can have the oats and sugar all ready to go. All you need is a bowl and some milk. Or water. Whatever floats your boat. And it tastes great with fresh berries and a drizzle of honey or maple syrup! Or you could stir in some raisins or dried cherries/blueberries/craisins. Add in a dash of cinnamon if you're up for it. Or go plain. Endless possibilities, so make it the way you like!

Homemade Instant Microwave Oatmeal

1/2 cup old fashioned oats
2 Tbsp brown sugar
2/3 cup milk OR water

Combine everything in a microwave bowl. Microwave for 1-1:30 minutes. Let sit for 2 minutes. Fix up how you like and enjoy!

Source: Adapted from Amy Loves Her Life
