Easy Whipped Cream

This isn't really much of a recipe. It's more like a guideline. As in: Adjust the sugar until the sweetness of your whipped cream suits you. Usually I only use 1/2 cup of sugar per 1 cup of heavy cream, but there are times when my taste buds are in the mood for something sweeter and in goes another 1/4 cup of sugar. You could even go up to 1 cup of sugar, but that would just be waaaaaay too sweet for me. Especially since we usually eat whipped cream with something that is already pretty sweet. Like ice cream sundaes. Or pudding. A cup of hot chocolate. As a cookie and fruit dip. With pie, a la mode of course. You get the idea. Or you could even eat it plain.

And because I'm that cool mom everyone wants to be, I let Moira lick the beaters after I make whipped cream. Even if it's right after breakfast.

Easy Whipped Cream

1 cup heavy whipping cream
1/2-3/4 cup powdered sugar

Place beater/whisk attachment (for either a hand mixer or stand mixer) in a large metal or glass bowl in the freezer for 15 minutes. Remove from freezer and place beater/whisk attachment on mixer. Pour 1 cup heavy cream into the bowl and beat on medium speed until cream begin to get thick and frothy, about 3-5 minutes. Carefully add in sugar, continuing to beat to incorporate the sugar into the cream. Continue beating until stiff peaks form, about 5-8 minutes. To check for stiff peaks, turn off mixer and pick up straight out of the cream. If the peak made by the removal of the beater stands on its own and doesn't melt back into, the whipped cream is ready for serving. If the whipped cream doesn't hold its peak form, continue beating, checking every 1-2 minutes to see if it's ready. If over-whipped, the cream will turn into butter, so be careful not to over beat. Store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

Source: Elizabeth original
